First Nations Art on Canvas

framed-canvasCanadian Art Prints First Nations art collection as small matted and framed prints and art cards has been an enduring favourite at gift, tourist, and souvenir shops across Canada since the product line was launched, and these beautiful designs make for striking wall decor as well. One of the hottest trends in wall decor is prints on canvas, and many of our most popular art card images are also available in wall decor sizes printed on canvas.
Stretched and un-framed canvas prints have a clean, crisp, minimalism that’s a perfect pairing for modern decor. The wide variety of styles and themes in this category of artwork offers something for everyone.

Stretched and Framed Canvas

canvas-stretchedCanvas prints offer great versatility because stretched canvases can be hung directly on the wall, or they can be stretched and framed. In either case, the texture of the canvas adds a luxurious dimension to the artwork. All our canvas prints feature:

  • Satin poly-cotton canvas
  • UV resistant inks
  • Water resistant surface
  • Can be stretched without cracking
  • Superior colour brilliance
  • 1.25” hemlock stretcher bars

We offer a wide variety of frame moulding options for ready to hang wall decor.







Download the catalogue here:

First Nations Print and Canvas Collection.



Office interior. Dining-room interior.